Become Stable Moments Certified at this 2-day, "train the trainer" event. Attendees will leave their certification training ready to implement the Stable Moments model and well versed in all aspects of running a successful program. Training Content Includes:
Hosted by Stable Moments and The Ranch of Hope Reins. Sign up here: Thank you so much! You did it! You gave enough to allow us to purchase the materials needed to put up the kick boards in time for our Sept. 22nd Work Day. Thank you to Rich Hirschberg at Home Depot for giving us a great price and allowing us to purchase the needed materials for less than our original quote! We really appreciate all your support!
It has been 3 years that Cheerful has been waiting to join The Ranch's herd. We will include a bit of her story in an upcoming post. Now the herd is complete until we are able to grow our funding and programming.
Welcome Rosebud and Jackie! Patience for the builders ran out, it was time for the minis to come. So we built the minis stall and just put a temporary front on it. The cuteness factor here just went way up!! And there is no describing their verbal communication. The result is smiles, giggles, laughter and just joy!We worked through the winter without a barn or arena. The horses didn't mind for the most part. The weather conditions this winter created a lot of mud, which was our biggest obstacle. But some horses seem to like mud! And sometimes the mud provided great problem solving opportunities!This was a wonderful community event that about 200 people attended. There were many activities including a horse costume parade! It was a blessing to host this three day, day-camp for adopted children and their parents. The programming is based on a very effective and powerful model called Trust Based Relational Intervention. The horses added their special touch to the learning and healing.
Moving to a new location meant leaving behind a barn and arena and making due until a new one could be built. Our horses basically live outside 24/7, however us humans sometimes find it more convenient to tend to their needs inside a barn. Also, our herd was used to using our indoor arena to escape from heat, bugs and wind sometimes. So Tom and Mike Pienkowski built them a run-in. It was not as big as the arena, but almost as tall! Thanks guys!
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